Friday, August 08, 2008

So it looks like I am going to have to become the ultimate morning person, as I have an 8:00am or 8:30am class every day during my first semester. Boo! Maybe I can convince my body to stay on east coast time and then all my classes will begin at 11:00...? But in happier news, I did figure out how to register for classes today and only bothered 3 or 4 people with inane questions about the registration process, so that is good.

Due to a *slight* error made by Door to Door Shipping (LAME, do not ever use them!!!), our stuff won't be arriving until Tuesday the 12th, so we are basically camping out in our apartment until then. Needless to say, we are NOT pleased, especially since we have hardwood floors, but that is another story for another day. It was probably a bad idea on the part of Door to Door to irritate two very stubborn, OCD people who are unemployed and actually have nothing better to do than sit around and think about taking you to small claims court because they are annoyed that you can't get their stuff to CA in a timely manner.

Since we really didn't have a ton to do, we decided to paint the new apartment (we didn't ask our landlord as we figured it would be better to beg forgiveness then ask permission), which may or may not have been a good idea since we will eventually have to paint back and I selected bright red paint (obviously). The paint looks awesome (pictures soon!) and since we had to leave our ground floor windows open to air out our apartment several neighbors poked their heads in the window from outside (literally) to say hi. They seem like a pretty interesting bunch...

In addition, we are struggling through the moving-to-a-new-place-and-registering-for-a-zillion-services process. I have been trying to explain to Mike that living in the land of liberals means that so much stuff is regulated and many fees must be paid for different services, which was going well...until he got a parking ticket…

1 comment:

PJ said...

Post to this again when you get a chance, Sarah. I like it!